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1. Deutsche Bank makes its computer code publicly available for the first time (db.com)
49 points by Khaine 51 minutes ago | hide | 4 comments
2. Show HN: A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find (written in Rust) (github.com)
217 points by sharkdp 4 hours ago | hide | 106 comments
3. Designing Data-Intensive Applications (dataintensive.net)
323 points by wooola 7 hours ago | hide | 37 comments
4. Tensorflow sucks: a detailed analysis (nicodjimenez.github.io)
62 points by nicodjimenez 2 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
5. Wix Code (wix.com)
36 points by dna_polymerase 2 hours ago | hide | 28 comments
6. Internet speed guarantees must be realistic, says Ofcom (bbc.com)
118 points by ohjeez 8 hours ago | hide | 75 comments
7. EPA photos show what US looked like before pollution regulation (businessinsider.com)
109 points by dankohn1 2 hours ago | hide | 68 comments
8. Show HN: ciTools – Quickly calculate uncertainty intervals in R (github.com)
14 points by jth0 1 hour ago | hide | 2 comments
9. Origins and History of Unix, 1969-1995 (2003) (catb.org)
88 points by rayascott 7 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
10. Fairchild Semiconductor: 60th Anniversary of a Silicon Valley Legend (medium.com)
136 points by carlosgg 10 hours ago | hide | 16 comments
11. Astronaut Scott Kelly on the devastating effects of a year in space (brisbanetimes.com.au)
86 points by hunglee2 3 hours ago | hide | 33 comments
12. Visualizations for machine learning datasets (github.com)
129 points by happy-go-lucky 11 hours ago | hide | 5 comments
13. Rowing across the Atlantic ocean in 48 days (travelmap.net)
73 points by clementmas 7 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
14. Changing Lanes (99percentinvisible.org)
89 points by misnamed 9 hours ago | hide | 36 comments
15. 70MJobs Seeks Engineering and Sales Lead and Intern
1 hour ago | hide
16. Menuet – A pre-emptive, real-time and multiprocessor OS written in assembly (menuetos.net)
109 points by walterbell 11 hours ago | hide | 55 comments
17. Show HN: An API for filling out PDF forms (formapi.io)
122 points by nathan_f77 10 hours ago | hide | 57 comments
18. The $13B Premium Eyewear Market (businessoffashion.com)
4 points by walterbell 2 hours ago | hide | discuss
19. The 7th Continent: An ambitious Choose Your Own Adventure-inspired board game (arstechnica.com)
71 points by Tomte 12 hours ago | hide | 28 comments
20. No Bitcoin-based protocol can handle more than 20M users per month (runeksvendsen.github.io)
221 points by runeks 12 hours ago | hide | 157 comments
21. Lightning aircraft crash at Hatfield (2013) (fearoflanding.com)
80 points by davesailer 11 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
22. Demonstration of Communication using Neutrinos (2012) (arxiv.org)
56 points by lainon 10 hours ago | hide | 21 comments
23. Truly immutable builds (frankel.ch)
4 points by kiyanwang 2 hours ago | hide | discuss
24. Persisting state between AWS EC2 spot instances (peteris.rocks)
85 points by p8donald 10 hours ago | hide | 63 comments
25. The many selves of Sylvia Plath: the poet’s early letters (newstatesman.com)
28 points by lermontov 10 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
26. The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions (technologyreview.com)
84 points by bglusman 7 hours ago | hide | 36 comments
27. When is an Erlang iolist an iovec? (cipht.net)
44 points by luu 10 hours ago | hide | 4 comments
28. Ask HN: Learning NoSQL, papers and books
97 points by wareotie 10 hours ago | hide | 43 comments
29. Mill CPU Inter-Process Communication (millcomputing.com)
12 points by Someone 6 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
30. X86 Proved: Coq Library for Modelling, Specification, Generation and Proof for X86 (codeplex.com)
36 points by based2 5 hours ago | hide | 2 comments

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